Thursday, May 20, 2010

Picking up walking

Well, yesterday I got out my old Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds Video and I did the 3 mile one. I was sweating by the end but I felt good. I felt as though I had done something positive for myself. This morning (after waking up with a sore throat, runny nose and fever) I was only able to do the one mile video, and that had me ready to collapse. Unfortunately even feeling terrible I still had to go to work today because I had taken the previous two days off for school field trips. Between that and our recent hospital stay I had to get back to work so I am sitting here trying to stay focused enough to get some work done and sipping. . . . horror of horrors a coke and a hot sweet tea. I am alternating between the two trying to find something that feels good on my throat. So far no luck.

Luck and love to all,


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