Monday, April 12, 2010


Well here it is Monday again and I feel like I have to start all over again. My son's birthday party was this weekend with the whole family over. What a spread. And I know I ate way too much. Considering I also cooked everything there were also all those little "tastes" to make sure everything was just right. And then of course there was cake and ice-cream.

So ...... end result..... back to 143 lbs this morning.

Ahh well, weekends over and it is time to get back on the bandwagon. (At least until this weekend, which is my birthday).

Think positive. Be positive. Do positive.

Since I wasn't able to get to the gym this morning, I called up my bf and asked her if she wanted to meet me for lunch at one of our local parks. I figured if we spent a good portion of our lunch hour walking and talking, we would both get exercise without getting bored.

I am still waiting for those elusive endorphins to kick in after exercise. So far every time I go to the gym, yes I feel better about myself for doing something positive and in the right direction but I also feel like falling asleep. So, endorphins please please kick in. Make me WANT to exercise. I keep telling myself it will get easier and I will start wanting to exercise more and more the more I do it but so far it is still just me talking in my head, the want-to-ness is not there yet.

To anyone and everyone that may read this I would like to send out this message. BE POSITIVE. It can't hurt and it definitely helps. Good luck and living to all.

More soon.


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